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Finally – My Memoir

On July 10, 2023, the first shipment of my memoir Leaving Linda: A Moonie from the Boonies arrived. Needless to say, I was overjoyed. It’s been a long hard slog.

It was over ten years ago when I signed up for an online memoir-writing course. Since then, I joined my wife, Maree, at an in-person memoir writers’ class at Amicus Books in Marysville, then after that we both joined a local writers’ group in Marysville that met once a week. I also started this blog with the idea that some of my stories would be added to Leaving Linda.

As someone who when he first heard the word semicolon thought it was a birth defect, I needed a lot of help. Most of that assistance is recognized in the “Acknowledgements” section of my book. You can read that section, along with chapters one and two, in the “Look inside” or “Read Sample” feature on Amazon.

Click to view on Amazon

Images from “Leaving Linda”

This is a post of images from Leaving Linda for audiobook listeners and others.

Chapter One – Axe Man
Chapter Two – Down by the Riverside
2A – Skippy
2B – Dad and Mom Get Married
Flooded potato field
Chapter Three – Westward Bound
Chapter Four – What IF?

Chapter Five – Linda

Johnnie’s Market across the street from Linda Elementary
Chapter Six – Linda Elementary
Chapter Seven – Jell-O Jerky Blues

Chapter Eight – Backyard Gold
Chapter Nine – A Bountiful Day
Chapter Ten – Peaches and Creatures
Chapter Eleven – The Dirt Road
11A – Mobile Horticulture
Chapter Twelve – Pig Stories
Chapter Thirteen – I Want Jesus on My Team!
Chapter Fourteen – Gatekeeper
Chapter Fifteen – Charlie Brown Days
Chapter Sixteen – Girding My Loins
Chapter Seventeen – Yuba College
Titan 1 missile silo –
Chapter Eighteen – The Abyss
1959 – Dunning Ave. Linda
Chapter Nineteen – My Brother’s Keeper
Chapter Twenty – Leaving Linda
Margaret McMillan, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Twenty-One – Mining the Mind
Chapter Twenty-Two – Roommates
Chapter Twenty-Three – Or Stupid
Chapter Twenty-Four – Bar Boy Bob
Chapter Twenty-Five – Purpose
25A – C.F. Gilbertson (Slim)

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Running Stop Signs

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ramblin’ and Gamblin”
Chapter Twenty-Nine – Alone in Sin City
Vegas roommate with his girlfriend
Chapter Thirty – Vegas Vignettes
Lange, Dorothea, photographer. Migrant workers’ camp, outskirts of Marysville, California, 1935

Chapter Thirty-One – Seek and Find
Marysville, California
Chapter Thirty-Two – Seeking
Chapter Thirty-Three – Sunshine and Magpies
Blind men and an elephant. Illustrator unknown, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Thirty-Four – A Leap of Faith
Tekniska museet Stockholm, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Thirty-Five – Choo Choo Pow

Chapter Thirty-Six – Finding

Martin Schongauer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Thirty-Seven – Brother Bob
Chapter Thirty-Eight – Million Dollar Experience
Chapter Thirty-Nine – The Fugitive
Chapter Forty – The Fugitive continued
Marion Post Wolcott, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Forty-One – Night Sounds
Chapter Forty-Two – Moonie on the Block!
Chapter Forty-Three – Butterflies ‘n’ Beer
Robert Armitage Sterndale, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Forty-Four – Pray For Me
Chapter Forty-five – Shoeless Bob
Chapter Forty-Six – Cross Bar Hotels
Chapter Forty-Seven – Danny Boy
Me and Maree in 1982
Chapter Forty-Eight – The Blessing
Ted Patrick – “The father of deprogramming”
Chapter Forty-Nine – Snuff Rings and Darker Things
My wife’s memoir
Chapter Fifty – Free Maree!
N. N., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Fifty-One – Land of the Long White Cloud

Chapter Fifty-Two – Knocked Up

Keith Richards by Machocarioca, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Fifty-Three – Guess Who’s Coming to Invercargill
Chapter Fifty-Four – Barter Bob
Amedee Guillemin, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Chapter Fifty-Five – Shooting Stars
1984 – Fish Business
Chapter Fifty-Six – St. Louis Fish House

Dirt road to our house
Chapter Fifty-Seven – Country Roads
Chapter Fifty-Eight – Downhill
Sacramento Protest
Chapter Fifty-Nine – Hugged by God
Dad and his fruit stand
Chapter Sixty – Eye Patches in the Holding Tank
Beale Falls Memorial to Daniel Farris
Chapter Sixty-One – Shooting Star Thistles

In front of ship Maree couldn’t board
About the Author